Madison update on flooding

From City of Madison:

Madison city staff is  continuing to triage traffic and flooding issues on the city’s Westside, but  there are specific intersections and roadways that are still water covered and dangerous.  Motorists are being warned to not venture into standing water.  Last  night’s rain storm of, in many instances up to 10 inches, was monumental and storm water drains are overwhelmed.

Currently there are major intersections and sections of  roads that are impassible, including Odana Road from Gammon to Grand Canyon, Regent and Kenosha, Deming Way and Greenway Crossing, Quarter Deck and Inner  Drive, Mineral Point between Gammon and Grand Canyon, Old Sauk and Waterbend, McKenna near Elver Park, Marty Road and Raymond Road, Commerce and Plaza.   In some of those intersections, stalled cars are blocking traffic  and tow trucks are being dispatched to the busiest arterials first to clear roadways for motorists.  It goes without saying, drivers need to be patient and cautious.  

Because of power outages, there are traffic signals that are not fully functional  including those at Mineral Point and Westfield, Gammon and Tree Lane, Odana and Yellowstone, and Commerce and Mineral Point. In some instances, portable  generators are  being used to maintain the traffic signals.

Madison Metro routes are running as  safely as  they can with major disruptions particularly  in Middleton.  All routes are off of Whitney at Gilbert due to the road closure.  

Metro’s website at will have regular updates.

Homeowners who are  experiencing flooding are being asked to contact United Way 211 to report their  damages as that information is being collected  by Dane County Emergency Management. Business owners who have  flood damage to report can contact Madison Building Inspection at 266-4551.

This has  been a very  dangerous and damaging storm.  The loss of property is dwarfed by the loss of a life.

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