Trump rallies thousands in Wisconsin

GREEN BAY (WKOW) — President Donald Trump touted job numbers, wage increases and bashed his Democratic opponents during a rally in Green Bay Saturday evening.

This marks his first trip to Wisconsin for the 2020 Presidential campaign and his first rally since the release of the Mueller report. Trump called the report the greatest political hoax in history.

“Collusion delusion, which is now been totally exposed to the world as a complete fraud,” said Trump.

The president touted the U.S. economy while criticizing his Democratic presidential opponents, suggesting they change their party name.

“They should change that to the Radical Left Democrat Party,” he told a crowd of more than 10,000 people. “It’s crazy what’s going on with them. Oh, do I look forward to running against them.”

Even taking a jab at Governor Tony Evers for his plans to veto the “born alive bill.” The proposed legislation by state Republicans would give doctors jail time, up to life in prison, if they don’t provide medical care to babies who are born alive after a failed abortion.

“Your Democratic governor here in Wisconsin shockingly said he would veto legislation that protects Wisconsin babies born alive,” he said.

Sticking to Wisconsin roots, the president addressed dairy farmers and their struggling industry, pushing farmers away due to retaliatory tariffs. Trump touted his trade policies to revise the North American Free Trade Agreement which is supposed to bolster dairy exports to Canada.

“I want to make it almost impossible to leave Wisconsin and other states and go to Mexico and other places, fire its workers, open a new plant in Mexico, hire other workers and sell the equipment into the United States. I don’t want that,” the president said.

Trump warned supporters that Democrats would take away their guns, kept a promise to build a wall along the U.S. – Mexico border and said he will repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act if re-elected.

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