Burglars startle homeowner on Madison's SW Side

From Madison Police:

Residential Burglary

Incident Date-07/19/2019 - 1:26 AM

Address-2706 block of Tuscon Trl

Suspect(s) 3 males


Victim(s)-35 year old female

Details: At 1:26 AM MPD was dispatched to a residential burglary in the 2700 block of Tuscon Trail on Madison's west side. In this incident a 35 year old female was lying on her couch, watching the storm roll in, when she suddenly saw three masked men dressed all in black in her kitchen. She quickly yelled at the burglars which scared them out of her house. From there they fled to a white sedan that was waiting outside.

It appears likely that the suspects were able to access the woman's house from items that were left in her unlocked vehicle. This has become an increasingly common tactic for criminals and the Madison Police Department is asking everyone to please lock up your vehicles and belongings. Please also report any suspicious vehicular activity you may see in your neighborhood at night.

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