Assembly passes COVID-19 relief package UPDATED

The State Assembly on Tuesday passed a bipartisan coronavirus relief package during the first-ever virtual session.

About half of the 99 members in the Assembly attended in-person in the chamber, the rest participating via-video chat.

Lawmakers in the Assembly practiced social distancing sitting 6 feet apart in their desks during session, many did not wear any masks but several staffers did.

The package now moves to the Senate where it’s expected to pass during a virtual session Wednesday. 

Most of the package allows the state to spend more than $2 billion in federal aid coming to Wisconsin after Congress approved a stimulus bill last month. 

It also allows the state to get more money for Medicaid, unemployment benefits and authorizes the budget committee to use funds for emergency purposes 90 days after the public health emergency is lifted. 

Other provisions ease licensing requirements for health care workers allowing them to use temporary credentials without having to renew during the coronavirus outbreak. The bill also will reduce training requirements for nurses.


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