State cleans graffiti off Hans Christian Heg statue pedestal

The Wisconsin Department of Administration spent time Monday morning cleaning graffiti off of the pedestal to the felled Hans Christian Heg statue on the state Capitol grounds.

A ghostly "REVOLT" remained scrawled on the statue's former base despite the efforts of a man in a Wisconsin Department of Administration t-shirt, gripping a power washer.

More writings on the concrete sidewalk near the pedestal blared messages disparaging local law enforcement like "Madison pork department" and "the police are the real snowflakes."

The vandalism comes more than a month after a group of people tore the statue from its base and beheaded it before leaving the body in Lake Monona.

Heg, an abolitionist, fought for the Union during the Civil War, dying at the Battle of Chickamauga.

The same night vandals also tore down the Forward statue and a group of people attacked a state senator.

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