Madison Protest Coverage

Curfews for downtown Madison are in place beginning at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday night.

Here is a live video stream to ongoing coverage of the protests in Madison over Memorial Day's death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody from our news partners at WKOW 27:


Looting and destruction picked up again early Tuesday morning after a peaceful day of protests Monday.

As late as 1 a.m., protesters were seen near the capitol without a police presence. The formal gathering ended at that time.

The Madison Police Department said some groups broke away and immediately started looting and damaging property.

One person fired a gun into the air and two people were attacked and hit with a crowbar, according to a news release. People were also seen trying to light Molotov cocktails during the evening.

Police and the Wisconsin National Guard were called to the State Street area because of that behavior, using chemical agents to try to gain control. Officers were hit with rocks and other projectiles.

MPD reports 15 more arrests were made during the night. Several more looting incidents were reported elsewhere in the city.

Read more from WKOW 27:

Long peaceful protest devolves into scattered vandalism, looting - Click Here

Two men badly beaten early Tuesday morning following protests - Click Here

NBC-15 reporter assaulted on live TV by looter - Click Here

Hundreds remained out after curfew Monday night - Click Here


Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway extended the city's curfew another two nights.

The announcement came in a post to the mayor's blog Monday evening. The curfew extends from 9:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.

"It is also a priority to keep everyone in our community safe," Rhodes-Conway wrote. "I have had multiple long conversation with Chief Wahl about the need for de-escalation and restraint."

Unless the mayor extends the curfew again, it will expire at 5 a.m. Wednesday, June 3.

The curfew applies to the area of the city on the isthmus. The area affected by the curfew extends from the Yahara River to Park and Lakeside streets.

All businesses in the area are ordered to close during the curfew.

There was a second night of violent confrontations in downtown Madison.

Police and the Wisconsin National Guard worked to disperse crowds who threw rocks and other things at officers. Police responded with chemical agents like tear gas. Law enforcement was in riot gear.

A curfew went into effect at 9:30 p.m. on the isthmus in Madison, but a crowd that had gathered around the Capitol would not leave.

The evening escalated into the overnight hours when a dumpster, a vehicle and other items were set on fire.

MPD said multiple stores were looted in the State Street area Sunday night. Graffiti and property damage were reported.

15 arrests were made. One person arrested for looting was armed with a handgun.

There were also several attempts to steal an MPD squad car.

Read More from WKOW 27:

Second night of escalation between police, protesters: Click Here

Two arrested after looting Sun Prairie Target late Sunday night: Click Here

Madison Museum of Contemporary Arts store damaged, but exhibits left alone: Click Here

State Street businesses prepare for Monday night protests - Click Here

Curfew extended through Wednesday morning in downtown Madison - Click Here

Six cars stolen by looters during protests Sunday night - Click Here

Cheddar Bob: Man shoots self in leg Monday morning during protests - Click Here

Protesters block John Nolen Drive for hours on Monday - Click Here


Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway declared a state of emergency and instituted a curfew on the isthmus during a tense night of protests.

The curfew is in effect tonight and continues until 5 a.m. on June 1. The moves were announced in a press release published on the city's website just before 1 a.m. Sunday.

"I do not take this action lightly, and I want to be clear that this is in response to a number of people endangering themselves and others by shattering glass, destroying property, and engaging in widespread, systematic looting of local businesses," Rhodes-Conway said. "This is NOT in response to the peaceful and legitimate protests that took place earlier today."

The mayor signed the order at 11:30 p.m. Saturday. It took effect at 12:01 a.m. Sunday and lasts until 5 a.m. The curfew continues Sunday night from 9:30 p.m. until 5 a.m. June 1.

The curfew applies mostly to areas of the isthmus around State Street. The full order can be found here.

Rhodes-Conway put the state of emergency in place until June 3. The city council will have a chance to review the measure at its June 2 meeting.

About 75 businesses on State Street were damaged, some were looted, on Saturday night into Sunday morning. An MPD squad car was broken into, driven a short time and set on fire. Several other cars were damaged too.

The Madison Police Department said officers were pelted with hard objects, like rocks, bottles and chairs. One officer was hurt.

Businesses in other parts of Madison were looted including East and West Towne Malls.

Three arrests were made and officials said they are working to identify, arrest and prosecute others who were involved.

MPD said groups dissipated early Sunday morning.

A GoFundMe has been set up by the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County to assist local businesses. You can find that here.

Madison city leaders held a news conference Sunday morning to talk about the violence and destructiont hat erupted Saturday afternoon after a protest for Geroge Floyd.

Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway condemned the people who started the riots and escalated the situation in downtown Madison.

"We will not ever be able to say 'all lives matter' until we can say 'black lives matter,'" she said.

She said she appreciates the people who tried to de-escalate the violence and those who came together to clean-up the community.

"Our community is wounded, people are hurting, businesses are harmed," said the mayor as she got choked up. "We must work to heal, but I need everyone to understand that papering over the problems of racism and injustice does not bring healing."

Council President Sheri Carter also spoke at the news conference. She urged people to contact local lawmakers to end the violence and injustice that is happening across the country, including Minneapolis where Geroge Floyd was killed while in police custody.

"When your son goes out, you expect them to come back. that's not true for many African American mothers," said Carter. "George Floyd has to be the last one. We have to go into action."

Police Chief Vic Wahl took the podium to give a rundown of the events that unfolded Saturday afternoon.

"We saw a significant disturbance up and down State Street and really throughout the entire city, over the course of the night we were required to request mutual aid not only from other police agencies in Dane County but from surrounding counties," he said. "It was a number of hours before we had control of the State Street area."

Approximately 75 businesses were damaged, three people were arrested and one officer was hurt in protests that spanned hours in downtown Madison.

Read more from WKOW 27:

State of Emergency Declaration: Click Here

Curfew and State of Emergency Statement: Click Here

Gov. Evers seeks empathy, compassion from protesters: Click Here

75 businesses damaged; several looted in Madison: Click Here

GoFundMe to assist Madison-area businesses: Click Here

Madison-area businesses targeted in looting sprees Saturday night: Click Here

Cleanup begins on State Street Sunday morning: Click Here

Business owners describe scene on State Street morning after: Click Here

Janesville holds peaceful protest in memory of George Floyd: Click Here

National Guard to assist Madison PD Sunday night: Click Here


A peaceful afternoon protest in Madison began escalating on Saturday evening.

The Madison Police Department is asking people to avoid the State Street area.

Following an afternoon of mostly peaceful protest over the death Monday of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, a confrontation broke out late Saturday on State Street in Madison.

A smaller group of protesters split off from the main about 5 p.m. and made their way down State Street. After attempting to block traffic, a small group threw rocks and smashed the window of Goodman's Jewelers. Shortly after, Madison police formed a line and moved in on the protesters, firing pepper spray to disburse the crowd.

You can read a statement from the Madison Police Department by clicking here.

Elsewhere, the Wisconsin National Guard has been deployed to Milwaukee as support for ongoing protests there. You can follow Milwaukee news coverage by clicking here.

The earlier peaceful protest was the "Justice for George" protest, which started just before noon on Saturday.

Hundred of protesters could be seen holding signs and chanting as they walked around the State Capitol.

It also appears that most, if not all, protesters were wearing masks.

The group also walked to the Dane County Jail to demand all inmates be release during the coronavirus pandemic.

On Sunday morning, the Boys and Girls Club is planning on a State Street cleanup. You can learn more about that, and volunteer, by clicking here.

Photo: WKOW 27

Read More From WKOW 27:

Madison Protests Escalate Saturday Evening: Click Here

Saturday's Justice For George Protest Took To The State Capitol: Click Here

National Guard Deployed In Milwaukee: Click Here

Madison Police Department Issues Statement (RE: Saturday Evening Protests): Click Here

Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway Calls For Peaceful Protest Saturday Evening: Click Here (or watch below)

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Calls For Empathy, Compassion: Click Here

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