Madison schools announce all-virtual start to third quarter

UPDATE (WKOW) -- The Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) announced an all-virtual start when students are set to return to class on January 25.

In a statement sent Friday morning, Superintendent Carlton Jenkins said health metrics do not support a safe return to the classroom "at this time."

“Knowing how virtual learning impacts a number of our students has made each one of these decisions incredibly difficult. It has always been our preference to have students learning in-person in the classroom, ” said Supt. Jenkins. “It is also our ultimate responsibility to ensure when we do return to our school buildings for in-person instruction, it will be done in the safest way possible with metrics supporting a safe return.”

MMSD officials say the decision-making process was centered around "reviewing local public health metrics; in-depth consultation with scientists, health experts, focus groups...and feedback from district families and staff" along with close collaboration with Madison Teachers Inc.

Read MMSD's full statement here:

"Today, the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) announced its plan to start the third quarter of the 2020-2021 school year in an all-virtual learning environment at all grade levels.

Although MMSD will begin the 3rd Quarter Virtual, if at any time conditions for bringing students and staff back safely improve, it will execute a plan to safely return students to in-person learning in a phased approach, starting with the earliest learners and bringing grade levels back in two week increments, with the hopes of bringing back all students when the conditions permit.

Throughout the school year, district staff have closely reviewed health and operational metrics, while making school buildings ready for in-person instruction with rigorous mitigation strategies and planned responses for confirmed cases. After weeks of careful analysis, consultation with health experts, and close consideration of a recent decline in local cases, the metrics still do not support a safe return to school buildings at this time.

“Knowing how virtual learning impacts a number of our students has made each one of these decisions incredibly difficult. It has always been our preference to have students learning in-person in the classroom, ” said Superintendent Carlton D. Jenkins. “It is also our ultimate responsibility to ensure when we do return to our school buildings for in-person instruction, it will be done in the safest way possible with metrics supporting a safe return.”

The decision to start all-virtual for the third quarter was a collaborative effort and centered around: monitoring and reviewing local public health metrics; in-depth consultation with scientists, health experts, focus groups, and internal as well as external advisory teams; feedback from district families and staff; close collaboration with Madison Teachers Inc. as well as the Assistant Principal/Principals (APP) group; and close consideration of the safety of adults in multigenerational households as well as concerns over the new COVID-19 variant.

For families who have children participating with MSCR Cares, and special education classes located in some of our school buildings, the district remains committed to providing the safest learning spaces possible. MMSD will continue adhering to the strict protocols and multiple layers of prevention and mitigation measures specifically developed to keep students and staff safe."

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