Grothman says Trump ‘did gin up’ supporters prior to Capitol riot

(Wisconsin Radio Network) After initially confining his criticisms to Rudy Giulianni and Donald Trump Jr., Wisconsin congressman Glenn Grothman now says Donald Trump also shares blame for this week’s mob violence at the the U.S. Capitol.

Grothman released a statement on Thursday, and in a Friday interview withWOMTradio, the 6th District Republican was pressed on his failure to question the president’s actions.

“I think the president did gin up this day to be more than it should have been. And some of my colleagues did as well, and I’ve been very critical of them to leadership, or within the building,”Grothman said.

Two of Grothman’s Wisconsin colleagues, Republicans Tom Tiffany and Scott Fitzgerald, did vote to reject electors from Arizona and Pennsylvania, and said they would have done the same if given the opportunity to vote against those from Wisconsin.

While not mentioning Tiffany and Fitzgerald by name,Grothman said“the idea that the U.S. Congress could say ‘no Wisconsin, we are not going to accept who you give us,’ is just a very dangerous precedent, and it is completely opposite of what’s in the Constitution.”

TheMilwaukee Journal SentinelEditorial Board on Friday called for Tiffany, Fitzgerald and Senator Ron Johnson to either resign, or be removed from office. Johnson initially said he would object to Wisconsin’s electoral votes but backtracked following Wednesday’s violence.

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