Radio Host given signature bond, charged with child porn possession

MADISON (WKOW) -- A Madison-area radio host has been given a signature bond after being charged with one count of possession of child pornography.

The charge against 40-year-oldMatthew B. Jones, Mount Horeb, who goes by the name "Jackson Jones" on-air, was filed in Dane County court on Friday.

A court commission gave Jones a signature bond on the condition that he not have contact with any children, including his own. He also cannot have access to the internet.

Online court records show that Jones faces a single count of possession of child pornography.

Jones has been an on-air personality for Q106, a radio station that primarily programs country music.

Tom Walker, President & General Manager of Mid-West Family Broadcasting Madison, told 27 News, "to the best of our knowledge, none of these activities he's accused of took place at our facilities or used our resources. We're conducting an internal investigation to verify that. We have and will continue to fully cooperate with the investigation."

Mount Horeb police said in a press release sent Thursday that they were first tipped off about potential child porn possession in December 2020.

The tip spawned an investigation which led to a search warrant at 113 Ridge Drive.

Mount Horeb Police says officers took electronics as evidence for future analysis and arrested Jones.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation and Dane County Sheriff's Office assisted police.

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