Woman returns to Dane Co. for attempted homicide charges

MADISON (WKOW) -- An Oklahoma trial where a woman was being tried for homicide and desecrating a corpse was paused as she returns to Wisconsin to face charges of attempted murder.

Dane County Sheriff's officials said Kore Bommeli Adams, 61, was transported from Wagoner (Oklahoma) County Detention Center Thursday and was booked into the Dane County Jail.

Adams is scheduled to appear for a Dane County court hearing Monday on two counts of attempted first-degree intentional homicide against her neighbors when she lived in Middleton.

According to a criminal complaint, Adams "gained access" to the neighbors' home in the spring of 2014 and put ricin -- a powdery, toxic substance -- around the home. The neighbors were out of town at the time.

Court records state the couple cleaned up the discovered powder. It was only tested and confirmed as the poison later when a small amount of powder was discovered in a sock drawer. An expert said the substance in the home turned out to be a less than lethal dose, according to the complaint.

But Adams wasn't charged for the poisoning attempt until much later, several months after she was arrested in was arrested in Dane County in 2021 with a warrant from Oklahoma. 

Oklahoma authorities alleged Adams was untruthful about circumstances when she reported her roommate, Talina Galloway, 53, missing. Sheriff's officials said Galloway's body parts were found in a freezer in Arkansas.

A preliminary hearing in Wagoner County found probable cause that Adams killed Galloway and dismembered her body.

Assistant County District Attorney Eric Jordan told 27 News the trial was scheduled for Feb. 6, 2023 but was paused to allow for the collection of more evidence and coordination of the contributions of crime experts. Jordan said the Oklahoma prosecution is more complex than the Dane County attempted murder case and he doesn't expect a delay to hinder his prosecution.

Additionally, Jordan said the continuing availability of certain witnesses in the Dane County case was more time sensitive.

A spokesperson for Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne has yet to respond to a request for comment from 27 News.

Court records show Adams did not fight extradition from Oklahoma to Dane County.

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