Black bears seen roaming yards in Jefferson County

JEFFERSON COUNTY (WKOW) -- Black bears are roaming homeowners' yards in Jefferson County.

According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), it's extremely rare for bears to live in the area and they typically just pass through.

However, DNR officials report black bears could become more common in southern Wisconsin as their habitat expands and population grows. 

Chris Menigoz said he was just washing dishes at his Jefferson County home when he heard his significant other say from the other room a bear was outside.

"Of course I said 'There's not a bear' thinking it was a silhouette like a Bigfoot people put in their yards or whatever," he explained. "And it stepped and [I said] 'That is a bear.'"

Menigoz said while its surprising to see them in the area, in his experience as a hunter, bears aren't typically a threat and want nothing to do with humans.

DNR officials said black bear are extremely cautious and avoid humans. 

They said it's better to air on the side of caution an avoid conflict with the bears by taking a few steps.

That includes securing trash cans and bird feeders by making them inaccessible for the bears especially in spring when food sources are limited.

If a conflict does happen, the DNR recommends trying to scare the bear off by making noise and throwing things in their direction. Most importantly they say to never corner or approach the bear.

To learn more about black bears and how to avoid conflict with the animals, you can head to the DNR's website. 

You can also submit a bear sighting to the DNR.

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