DNR forecasts high fire danger for much of Wisconsin

MADISON (WKOW) -- The entire 27 News viewing area has a high fire danger this Labor Day weekend, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

The DNR is asking the public to stay vigilant and avoid all outdoor burning -- including campfires -- this weekend due to elevated fire danger across southern and central Wisconsin.

The forecast going into Labor Day weekend shows very hot, dry and windy conditions Saturday through Monday, prompting potential for critical fire weather warnings. 

On windy, dry days, embers from any fire, especially burn piles and campfires, can easily get out of control and cause a wildfire if not properly extinguished, according to the DNR.

DNR burn permit restrictions and fire danger vary from county to county. However, the DNR will suspend annual burn permits in these critical areas where the DNR has burn restriction authority.

In just the last week, the DNR responded to 10 wildfires, and more fires are expected over the weekend.

Outdoor enthusiasts should also be extra careful with off-road vehicles or equipment that can create a spark and start a fire. Keep in mind that weather conditions can change frequently and quickly become dangerous.

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  • Avoid outdoor burning until conditions improve. 
  • Operate equipment (chainsaws, off-road vehicles, lawnmowers, etc.) early in the morning or late in the day to avoid sparks at peak burn hours.
  • Secure dragging trailer chains.
  • Report fires early and call 911.

Stay up-to-date on the latest conditions and burn restrictions on the DNR's WisBurn webpage.

Check current fire danger, wildfire reports and burning restrictions online.

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