Bed bugs found in Madison Metro facilities

MADISON (WKOW) -- A spokesperson for Madison Metro confirmed they are treating for bed bugs. 

Mick Rusch told 27 News Monday they had only visually verified two bed bugs.

"Those were found by a mechanic working on bus on a hoist," Rusch said. "In those two instances, the buses were quarantined and treated."

Rusch said a driver reported seeing a bed bug in their driver rest area. That report was not visually verified. However, Rusch said the room was treated out of caution. 

"We received a report about a week later about the same room," Rusch said. "This was not visually verified, but we brought in a canine inspection unit."

He said the canine did hit on that location, but a bed bug was not seen.

The canine inspector was taken to other nearby areas and "hit on two other areas" but they did not visually verify any bed bugs in those areas, either.

"All three locations were quarantined and treated the next day," Rusch added.

Rusch explained as part of the canine inspection process, the dog will be brought back later in the week to see if it still hits on these areas.

"It’s our understanding that bed bugs are transported by humans," he added. "Unfortunately, it’s also our understanding that this is something that can happen in public transportation."

He said Madison Metro employees have been talking to their pest control vendor and other transit systems and have learned the best course of action is to treat the area as soon as a bed bug is discovered.

"At this point in time, we don’t see the issue as being widespread," he said. "We’re treating immediately as the situation warrants."

Rusch said they understand the public’s concern.

"Even though we’ve only visually verified two individual bugs, we’re taking this extremely seriously and keeping on top of it," he told 27 News.

"What we’re doing now is immediately treating areas where a bed bug has been discovered or if someone has suspected one is present," he said. "If someone is concerned they’ve seen a bed bug on a bus, we encourage them to let us know."

He said people can call them at (608) 266-4466 or email

"We’ve been on top of this from the beginning and will continue to monitor the situation and follow up appropriately," he added.

Rusch provided the following timeline of events:

• 9/18 Driver suspected one in the sleep room. No confirmation, room treated same day

• 9/22 Mechanic found one on bus on hoist. Confirmed, treated same day

• 9/27 Driver suspected one in sleep room. No confirmation, called for inspection, closed room

• 10/4 Canine inspection confirmed 3 locations in the building, no visuals

• 10/5 Treated those areas

• 10/24 Mechanic found one on bus on hoist. Confirmed, treated 10/25

• As part of canine inspection process, canine is expected to be back for follow up in the building at the end of this week

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