Whitewater principal accused after his home is toilet papered

WHITEWATER (WKOW) -- The principal at Whitewater High School is accused of tackling a student and putting them in a headlock for trying to toilet paper his home.

According to police reports filed by the William Bay Police Department, Brent Mansky called police on September 21 to report a group of teens vandalising homes. 

27 News obtained the police reports from the incident where the officer on scene notes Mansky was "extremely upset". 

Mansky reportedly told the officer he watched the teens TP several homes in his subdivision before approaching his. 

He claimed this was the third year in a row that his home was targeted. 

The officer noticed Mansky was holding a sweatshirt which Mansky advised he "had taken it from one of the suspected vandals when they ran away from him." 

The police report also shows Mansky didn't call police on the teens until he watched them approach his home and that his security cameras were turned off.

Officers asked Mansky why they were off and he reportedly told them the continued alerts were scaring his family. 

Investigators interview suspected vandals

According to the police report, the teens were tracked down by officers and interviewed.

One teen told Williams Bay police they had permission to TP certain homes for homecoming and others were off limits. 

The Williams Bay student said they threw a roll of toilet paper at Mansky's tree but were unsuccessful in "TP-ing" the tree.

He told investigators as they went to collect the roll they saw Mansky come around the corner and chase them off his property.

According to the police report, "Brent caught up to [the teen] and tackled him to the ground."

He told investigators Mansky "dug his fingers into his eyes, picked him up from his neck, strangled and dragged him."

He claims he slipped out of his sweatshirt to get away. 

The student showed the investigator injuries to his neck that he claims were from the incident. 

The teens were both issued municipal citations for Attempted Vandalism and Trespassing. 

According to the police report, the teen's parents wanted Mansky charged for "assaulting their son". 

The report also shows the investigator found the teen's actions provoked Mansky's efforts to stop the vandalism, but that Mansky's actions met criteria for possible criminal charges.

He wrote, "Brents actions caused bodily harm to [the teen], which is evident by the markings left around [the teen's] neck when he was tackled to the ground." 

Teen's parents want charges filed

Investigators also spoke with the parents of the teens accused of attempting to vandalise Mansky's home. 

A parent to one of the teens told investigators Masky is a former principal of Williams Bay and he "is upset that he would want kids charged for such a minor thing such as toilet papering." 

The report shows he told the investigator he was going to "tell everyone about this and potentially hold up a sign at Mansky's current place of employment informing people of the incident."

In another interview with one of the teens, the officer had the boy show him what Mansky did using a whiteboard. 

The teen reportedly explained "Mansky jumped on him with his arms wrapped around him causing him to fall to the ground." 

The teen added, "he was on his back and Mansky was standing over him digging into his eyes." 

He claimed Mansky picked him up from the front of his shirt and then put him into a headlock. 

The officer asked the teen if he was able to breath during the incident and he replied "not good".

Charges sent to district attorney for review

A Lieutenant for the Williams Bay Police Department completed a charging sheet requesting a summons for Brent Mansky for "strangulation/suffocation." 

The report shows the document was sent to the Walworth County District Attorneys Office for review. 

27 News reached out to the district attorney asking if the review has been completed and whether or not charges would be filed. 

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