25 year old woman arrested after attacking another woman in Madison bar

From Madison Police:

Incident Type: Battery

Incident Date: 03/29/2024 - 9:08 PM

Address: 2535 University Ave

Arrested: Isabel C Wessell, 25 year old female

Victim(s): 71 year-old female

Details: Officers were dispatched to a battery at the Blue Moon Bar and Grill. We contacted a 71 year-old female customer that had been assaulted by another patron of the bar.

The victim had bloody scratches to her face and reported that while walking to use the restroom, she was attacked by a subject unknown to her. That suspect, Isabel Wessell, grabbed the victim by the face, scratching her. Several other witnesses in the business reported the same to the officer.

Wessel was contacted at the scene and placed under arrest. She was lodged at the Dane County Jail for Physical Abuse of an Elder Person and Disorderly Conduct.

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