Pewaukee family invited to D.C. for “Right to Try” bill signing

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WKOW) -- After years of advocating for “Right to Try” legislation, a Pewaukee family headed to Washington D.C. to celebrate the signing of the bill President Donald Trump.

Tim Wendler called it an honor to watch history unfold. The bill gives terminally ill patients the right to try experimental drugs. Wendler lost his wife in 2015 after she battled ALS.

Last week, the House passed Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) bill which allows terminally ill patients, their doctors and pharmaceutical manufacturers to administer medical treatments that are not approved by the FDA.

Wendler understand these treatments might not work for everyone, but at least provide patients with other options. Trump said the legislation has the power to save lives.

“Some of these treatments are so promising, and we're moving that time way up, but it's still a process that takes years.”

Sen. Johnson applauded the House and Senate for passing his bill, more than three years since its introduction.

“Today’s right to try bill signing was a moment of deserved celebration for everyone who fought to return a little freedom and restore hope to terminally ill patients and their families. I applaud and thank them all.  However, bureaucracies rarely cede their authority over our lives without a fight. So, we must — and we will — remain vigilant that these hard-won freedoms are implemented and preserved as intended,” said Johnson.

There are critics that believe this won't change much and instead have an effect on how the FDA watches over public health.

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