Most cars stolen in Madison last month had keys inside

MADISON (WKOW) — The number of car thefts reported to Madison police dropped in September, although most cars still had keys inside them.

Of the 39 vehicles stolen in September, 34 had keys in them and six were unlocked and running at the time of the theft, according to a post today by Police Chief Mike Koval in his blog.

Police also found that many vehicles were stolen from open garages at night.  Two guns were also stolen from vehicles in September.

Through the end of September, police took 295 reports of stolen autos, which represents a 4.6 percent increase compared to the same time last year, which saw 282 stolen autos.

The incidents occurred in the following districts:

East: 10

North: 5

Central: 2

West: 13

Midtown: 4

South: 5

So far, 32 of the 39 reported stolen autos from September have been recovered.

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