Group singing a new tune after Walker loses re-election bid

MADISON (WKOW) — After years of protesting Governor Scott Walker’s policies, the group Solidarity Sing Along is singing a different tune after Walker lost his re-election bid to Tony Evers.

Events over the years had threatened to stymie the group’s vibrato.

Back in 2013, there were daily stand-offs between protesting solidarity singers and Capitol police, as well as competing voices with singers in support of Governor Walker.

In 2015, the singers prevailed after a lawsuit was filed requiring the group to have a permit to sing in the rotunda.

But none of that mattered Wednesday, as members of the Solidarity Sing Along were in a celebratory mood.

“Today is a celebration. Because it’s been eight years of coming up here every day and singing. Well, almost every day,” said Ellie Connolly.

Connolly makes it out to sing whenever she can and says the group will keep up the pressure on Walker until he leaves office.

“We’re going to keep singing. The plan is to keep singing until inauguration. Because we don’t trust Scott Walker and his cronies. So we’ll be here until he’s out.”

The group will continue to meet and sing in the Capitol rotunda weekdays from noon to 1 p.m.

More on this story at WKOW 27 News

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