Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning, keeping Madison informed weekday mornings on 1310 WIBAFull Bio


A dozen deaths in Wi from coronavirus

Wisconsin's coronavirus numbers continue to go-up. The state's Department of Health Services yesterday said more than 700 people in the state are now sick with the virus.

Twelve people have died. Most of the deaths, eight, are in Milwaukee County. There are now confirmed cases in 37 Wisconsin counties.

Dane County cases have now increased to 114, up from 88.

Two inmates of the Dane County Jail tested positive for COVID-19.

The Dane County Sheriff's Office confirmed the cases Thursday.

Other test results are still pending.

Earlier Thursday, the sheriff's office said it awaited test results for a group of inmates who came down with fevers, a symptom of COVID-19.

Jail staff quarantined the eight inmates with fevers. Nine more are isolated because they may have had contact with a quarantined person.

On Wednesday, the sheriff's office said it had taken steps to combat the potential spread of COVID-19.

Authorities reduced the inmate population by almost 200. They also began testing two devices designed to fight germs with UV energy.

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