Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning, keeping Madison informed weekday mornings on 1310 WIBAFull Bio


What to expect on your ballot for Tuesday’s Spring Election

(WKOW) -- There is a lot to vote on in the 2021 Spring Election on Tuesday.

Everyone in the state will be voting to choose the next State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The race isbetween Jill Underly and Deborah Kerr, to replace Carolyn Stanford Taylor who is not running for re-election.

27 News spoke withboth candidates about the issues. To learn more aboutUnderlyorKerryou can go to their websites.

People voting in Dane County will be deciding on the Dane County Executive, between challengerMary Ann Nicholsonand current executiveJoe Parisi.

Green County will be voting on Circuit Court Judge Branch 1. The candidates areFaun Marie PhillipsonandJane Bucher.

Richland County voters will be asked whether the Wisconsin Legislature should create a non-partisan procedure for the preparation of Legislative and Congressional district plans and maps, on behalf of the Advisory Referendum.

The question, "should the State of Wisconsin accept Affordable Care Act Federal Medicaid funds earmarked to expand health insurance coverage to 176,000 additional Wisconsin residents resulting in the state saving $324.5 million?" will be on Rock County ballots.

For those voting in Marquette County, you will be asked, "should the State of Wisconsin establish a right to clean water to protect human health, the environment, and the diverse cultural and natural heritage of Wisconsin, as apart of the Clean Water Now Referendum?"

For more info about what will be on your ballot because of the city and or district you live in, check outMyVote Wisconsin.

More at WKOW 27 News

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