MADISON (WKOW) -- A boat caught fire late Monday night forcing the people on-board to jump off and swim to shore, according to the Dane County Sheriff's Office.
In a news release, officials said they responded to Lake Monona at about 11:30 p.m. for a report of a boat engulfed in flames and people screaming.
The boat was on fire a few hundred feet from the shoreline of the 100 block of East Wilson Street.
An investigation shows the 17 foot 1976 Sundance broke down in the water and then caught fire. The owner tried to put it out, but couldn't. The three people on-board jumped off and swam to shore. They were not hurt.
The boat is considered a total loss.
The Dane County Sherrif's Office Marine and Trail Enforcement team, along with Madison Police and Fire Departments all came together to help.
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