Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

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Man charged in 2008 Brittany Zimmermann homicide bound over for trial

MADISON (WKOW) -- A man recently confirmed to be mentally competent enough to stand trial for the 2008 murder of Brittany Zimmermann was bound over for trial Thursday afternoon.

Check out more of our crime coveragehere.

David Kahl, 55, wasfound competentto stand trial in June for Zimmermann's killing despite him reportedly suffering as many as four strokes in the intervening years. Witnesses placed Kahl near the scene of Zimmermann's West Doty Street apartment the day of her death.

People in the area said Kahl had been in the area asking for money to fix a flat tire, with the intention of using the money to buy drugs. A DNA test of material found under Zimmermann's fingernails and on her shirt sleeve wasa match for Kahl.

As of 2016, Kahl proclaimed innocence. There is no date yet for Kahl's next appearance.

More at WKOW 27 News

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