Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning, keeping Madison informed weekday mornings on 1310 WIBAFull Bio


Epic Systems to require employees to get COVID-19 vaccine

VERONA (WKOW) -- Epic Systems is requiring all of its US-based staff members to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by Friday, October 1.

The health care software company notified employees of the requirement in a letter sent to staff members Friday.

The letter says nearly 97 percent of all of the Verona staff members are fully vaccinated. Epic plans to hold a vaccine clinic at the Verona campus to make it easy for unvaccinated staff members to get a shot. A first dose clinic will be held Tuesday, August 17. A second dose clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8.

Epic is also putting into place a mask mandate in certain situations:

  • All staff need to wear masks while getting food or drink at culinary outlets, including coffee carts. Masks may be removed while eating or drinking
  • All staff need to wear masks in meeting rooms if the number of attendees exceeds 75% of a room's capacity
  • If anyone in a meeting prefers that everyone wear a mask, wear a mask.

The company says in other situations, an employee may decide whether to wear a mask if they are fully vaccinated. If an employee is not fully vaccinated, they will be required to wear a mask indoors unless they are alone in their office.

The mask requirements will take effect Tuesday, August 3.

More at WKOW 27 News

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