Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning, keeping Madison informed weekday mornings on 1310 WIBAFull Bio


Wisconsin nurse amputated man's foot without orders

(Spring Valley, WI) -- A western Wisconsin nurse is facing charges that she cut-off a man's foot without authorization, and wanted to keep it in her taxidermy shop. Prosecutors in Pierce County filed charges against Mary Brown last week. Investigators say she cut the right foot off a 62-year-old man last May. Court documents say Brown told coworkers she amputated the man's foot because it was dying from frostbite, and she wanted to make him more comfortable. Neither the man or any doctors at the health care center where she worked in Spring Valley okayed the amputation. The man died within a week after losing his foot. Prosecutors say Brown said she wanted to display the foot in her family's taxidermy shop with a sign 'Wear Your Boots Kids.'

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