JANESVILLE (WKOW) -- Janesville city officials said a spray-painted accusation on the side of Janesville home can stay.
The makeshift billboard cites the woman's name and claims she "owes $6,000 in back rent." The message on the Lincoln Street home is on the second story and is across from an elementary school.
However, despite the ruling, officials are split on its stay.
"What is up on that house is reprehensible," said Janesville City Councilperson Michael Jackson. "It's a blight on our city and it's an embarrassment."
But Janesville Neighborhood and Community Services Director Jennifer Petruzzello said the spray painted message does not constitute graffiti, nor is it obscene or gang-related."It is protected free speech," said Petruzzello.
Jackson said he believed the spray-painting falls under the city's nuisance ordinance and should be removed.
Robin Coleman lives across the street from the home. Coleman said affordable rental units in Janesville are limited as tenants also deal with inflation.
Coleman said the renter is an elderly woman who uses a walker.
"Because of the housing crisis, it's just crazy to do that to someone," Coleman said.
Rock County court records show that the home's owner filed an eviction action against the tenant in October. A court hearing to decide on that eviction request is scheduled next week.
Petruzzello said the owner was cited in October for a number of issues in the tenant's unit. She said the violations involved plumbing, window and ceiling leaks and the lack of working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. She said the owner claimed the tenant refused to allow him access to address some of the problems.
Petruzzello said the owner's been given more time to make final repairs before the property's reinspected by city personnel.
Councilperson Jackson said the spray-painted message speaks to bigger issues in Janesville, pointing toward how Janesville's growth outpacing its housing stock.
Coleman said the housing crunch has disproportionately affected families and those with health issues.
The property's owner lives in Clinton. He's yet to respond to messages left at his home by 27 News. The renter declined comment to 27 News.
As of Thursday afternoon, no one has publicly claimed responsibility for spray painting the accusation on the two-story building.
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