Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning, keeping Madison informed weekday mornings on 1310 WIBAFull Bio


Snow Emergency in effect in Madison

From City of Madison:

Snow emergency parking rules will be in effect for the evenings of Saturday, December 10 and Sunday, December 11. 

Please remove any obstructions from the roadways, including trash & recycling carts, before the plowing begins today (December 9), and please continue following all day time parking restrictions. 

The Streets Division encourages all residents, including those in the isthmus, to choose off-street parking options for their vehicles to assist with clean-up operations. Remember if you do not park within the snow emergency zone, you must follow alternate side parking rules each night regardless of weather conditions.

Streets Division crews have been on the salt routes since 3:00am. When the snow was at its peak, it created very slippery conditions. With pavement temperatures above freezing, and snow falling at roughly 1-inch an hour, it created very slick roadways that could not be prevented. As the snow has abated, and the salt has had time to work, road conditions on the main thoroughfares are improving though slippery areas remain.

Be slow. Be patient. Stay alert. Remember to anticipate your turns, and stop sooner than you would in dry in conditions. And allow more distance between you and the car in front of you so you do not slide into them. Generally, make good choices on your commutes through the city.

With regards to the plowing operation, all available Streets Division crews along with assistance from Parks, Forestry, and Engineering crews, plus heavy-equipment contractors will begin plowing all Madison roadways later this afternoon. It will be approximately 150 pieces of equipment out plowing the roads, sidewalks, bus stops, and alleyways.

Citywide plowing is a slow operation. It can take between 12 to 14 hours for an initial plowing to be completed. Madison has nearly 1,800 miles of traffic lanes to clear, which is like driving from our city all the way to the Mojave Desert in California. It just takes time to clear the roads.

This particular snow is also very dense and heavy. When roads are plowed, snow is pushed out of the drive lanes and toward the curb. This will create build-up of snow along your driveway, and considering the type of snow it is, it will be difficult to shovel out. Snow like this has a tendency to “boulder” when plowed, meaning the snow sticks to itself and gathers as if making a snowman. This can create heavier and larger build-ups along driveway aprons. These situations are an unavoidable byproduct of plowing streets with this kind of snowfall.  Please be cautious not to over exert yourself while clearing out this snow.Also, since this will be a plowing operation that will be underway during the daytime, you may encounter vehicles plowing on your evening commute. Please give them the space they need to safely operate. You may also encounter windrows of snow across intersections in residential areas. As plows loop through neighborhoods, these mounds of snow are normal and temporary. It just takes multiple passes for trucks to push all of the snow from the road to the curb.

Parking on the Street Saturday 12/10/2022 into early morning of Sunday 12/11/2022

Vehicles parked on the street Saturday, December 10 into Sunday, December 11 need to be on the ODD house numbered side of the street between the hours of 1am and 7am. 

Violations of the alternate side parking rules are punishable by a fine of $60 throughout the entire City of Madison. Violators could also be towed.

Parking on the Street Sunday 12/11/2022 into the early morning of Monday 12/12/2022

Vehicles parked on the street Sunday, December 11 into Monday, December 12 from should be on the EVEN house-numbered side of the street between the hours of 1am and 7am. 

Violations of the alternate side parking rules are punishable by a fine of $60 throughout the entire City of Madison. Violators could also be towed.

Streets Division staff will continue to monitor the roads and the weather. Additional updates about operations will be provided as conditions require

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