BROOKLYN (WKOW) — The village of Brooklyn is moving a polling location for the Spring Primary.
In a Facebook post, the village says the polling place is moving from North Rutland Avenue because of a "situation downtown."
Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell said the move is due to "an ongoing public safety threat that is preventing access to the polling location."
The polling place is moving to the Public Works Building at 102 Windy Lane. The village says the new polling place will be set up by 9 a.m., and officials are working to extend the time of voting.
A 27 News crew on scene saw sheriff's personnel from Dane and Green counties with guns drawn near the original polling place on North Rutland Avenue. They saw around 15-20 law enforcement vehicles and an armored vehicle.
Three square blocks are blocked off in the downtown area, including the Hotel Street polling place. McDonnell said the Dane County Sheriff's Office is restricting access "for safety reasons."
Heart of Brooklyn is currently in a secure hold because of the ongoing situation. This means the students and staff stay inside the building with doors locked.
The facility confirms everyone is safe and 4K and childcare will continue as usual. The facility will stay in a secure hold status until law enforcement tells them the incident has been resolved.
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