Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning, keeping Madison informed weekday mornings on 1310 WIBAFull Bio


Two swimmers went under in Wisconsin River; one body found

COLUMBIA COUNTY (WKOW) -- Around 3:45 p.m. Thursday the Columbia County dispatch center received a call that two swimmers went under the water in the Wisconsin River near Portage and hadn't resurfaced.

Columbia County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Greg Bisch says first responders sent every resource they had for the rescue effort. One person's body was recovered around 7 p.m. One is still missing. 

Bisch says recovery efforts will continue Friday morning. Searches had to stop once divers lost light. 

The identity of the swimmers is still unknown, but they are believed to be two young adults. 

More at WKOW 27 News

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