PORTAGE, Wis. (WKOW) -- Portage police believe a 32-year-old man killed multiple rabbits inhumanely and buried them in his backyard.
Capt. Daniel Garrigan said officers were called to check on the welfare of Donald M. Klawes of Portage, on Wednesday.
Garrigan said police received a tip that rabbits had been killed by cruel means on the man's property.
When officers arrived at Klawes' home on East Edgewater Street, no live rabbits were found. However, officers saw multiple shallow graves in the backyard. Several decomposing rabbit carcasses were found in them, Garrigan said.
Garrigan said evidence shows multiple rabbits were killed by "inhumane, brutal and sadistic means."
Garrigan said Klawes was arrested and transported to the Columbia County Jail on multiple counts of mistreatment of animals - causing death.
Klawes is scheduled to make an initial appearance in Columbia County Court on Friday.
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