COLUMBIA COUNTY, Wis. (WKOW) -- The Columbia County Dispatch Center responded to the report of two snowmobiles falling through the ice on Lake Wisconsin in Sunset Bay on Sunday morning.
Officials say it happened around 11 a.m. The report they received was that one person was in the water and another person was on the ice.
A Columbia County deputy was able to get to the scene within minutes and located one person in the water about 100 years from the shore. Civilians were there, attempting an ice rescue.
The deputy, a Lodi firefighter and two civilians made their way toward the person in the water. Officials say they were able to throw a ski rope to the individual and pull him from the water and to shore.
The male in the water was wearing a floatation device designed for snowmobiling. Officials say that greatly aided in his rescue.
The incident has been turned over to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
The dispatch center says:
"For those of you venturing onto the ice remember that although it is cold today, it has been near freezing temps for the past few weeks causing ice conditions to be poor. Use caution, wear your floatation aids, bring your ice rescue picks and tell your friends/family where you will be and when to expect you home."
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