Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

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Check made out by Apple Grove Cemetery Association found in Milwaukee area

ARGYLE, Wis. (WKOW) -- A check made out by the Apple Grove Cemetery Association on June 30th, 1998 was found in perfect condition nearly 100 miles away in a Milwaukee suburb. The discovery was one day after an EF-2 tornado destroyed the Apple Grove Lutheran Church.

Brenda Lantz is a fifth generation church member. Her great, great grandfather was a founding father of the church when it was built in 1893.

"My family has been very involved with the church," she said.

Her grandfather, Harland Skattum, was the man who signed that check found in Waukesha County. She describes him as a man with deep faith who would do anything for his neighbors. 

The date on the check is June 30th, which would have also been the day the church turned 131 years old.

The day the check was found was June 23rd, the golden birthday of Lantz's other child. A week or so after is the anniversary of Lantz's marriage which is on July 1st. She said the timing of everything was ironic. 

Lantz said the check is one of many signs that it's going to be okay. After Sundays service, Lantz also found a purple fabric that was used on a cross for the churches Easter services. 

"I found the fabric, and, oh, wait, I found the barbed wire. Then we got a little excited, we're like, 'well, maybe the cross is here,'" she said. "I'm digging at the fabric and trying to pull some wood apart at the back corner of the church. And my daughter starts digging off to the left of me at the side, and probably five minutes later, she screams, 'I found it', and she pulls it out."

Lantz and her family has many pictures taken at the church, including photos of first communions, weddings, baptisms and holiday services. 

Now, they look at what's left of the church. Pieces of it scattered throughout the damage, like its bell and a cross. Lantz said even though they cannot get everything back, they will always have the memories. 

More at WKOW 27 News

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