Foxconn hands Walker 'grand slam home run'

MADISON, Wis. (AP) - If the biggest winner in the Foxconn sweepstakes so far is Wisconsin, the second-biggest is Gov. Scott Walker.

Wednesday's announcement that Foxconn will build a display manufacturing plant in Walker's state is a huge political boost for him just as he's gearing up to run for a third term.

Now, Walker can tout his part in landing a plant that promises a $10 billion investment and 3,000 or more jobs. And it allows him to put some distance between himself and his biggest failure - not delivering on a 2010 campaign promise to create 250,000 jobs in four years.

Brandon Scholz, a longtime Republican operative in the state, calls it a "walk-off grand slam home run" for Walker.

But Peter Barca, the leader of Democrats in the state Assembly and frequent Walker foe, says one deal doesn't make an administration.

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