Wisconsin Foxconn deal waives regulations

MADISON, Wis. (AP) - A wide array of Wisconsin environmental regulations would be waived under a proposal put forward by Gov. Scott Walker to lure electronic manufacturing giant Foxconn to the state.

A bill Walker released on Friday would allow Foxconn, without permits, to discharge dredged materials, fill wetlands, change the course of streams, build artificial bodies of water that connect with natural waterways and build on a riverbed or lakebed.

Foxconn would also be exempt from having to create a state environmental impact statement, something required for much smaller projects.

The bill would also allow for $252 million in borrowing to complete the rebuilding of Interstate 94 which connects Milwaukee with Chicago and runs along where Foxconn is expected to build the plant.The $10 billion plant could employ 13,000 people in six years.

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