After being revived with Narcan, suspect flees and hides from police

MADISON (WKOW) — A 30-year-old man was arrested Thursday after being revived with Narcan and then fleeing from police and attempting to hide in a nearby field.

Madison Police were called about noon to check on the man who passed out in his vehicle and in turn struck another vehicle occupied by an off-duty paramedic.

The incident happened at the intersection of Portage Road and Duke Street in Madison.

Officers delivered Narcan to the man and successfully revived him.

He was taken to a local medical facility for evaluation, but fled from police and then hid in a nearby field.

The Madison Police Department’s K-9 dog Patton quickly located the man who was concealed in the high grasses.

He was arrested on multiple charges.

The man was not identified in a police department incident report.

More at WKOW 27 News

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