A majority of health care workers in Wisconsin believe their safety is at risk because of workplace violence.
The Wisconsin Nurses Association says 65% of registered nurses have experienced or witnessed workplace violence according to their latest study conducted in 2017. A majority of those surveyed said 52% of incidents were verbal assault, 34% reported physical assault and 13% reported sexual assault.
"I think that number is low, it happens every day," said Megan LeClair-Netzel, Secretary of the Wisconsin Nurses Association.
“We hear about nurses who have experienced significant injuries, including a nurse who was hit in the head by a patient with a light and has since been unable to return to work for over four years," she added.
To read more go to WKOW: https://wkow.com/2019/12/03/it-happens-every-day-proposal-aims-to-reduce-workplace-violence-at-hospitals/