This Wisconsin Food Festival Is The Best In The State

Food trucks and people at a street food market festival on a sunny day, blurred on purpose

Photo: Getty Images

Food festivals are a way for you to get out and enjoy a little taste of the food you don't usually go for.

Each state offers plenty of food festivals but narrowing down which ones you absolutely need to attend can be difficult. Luckily, Eat This, Not That! set out to find the best food festivals each state has to offer.

Here is what the report says about various food festivals offered around the U.S.:

"Food festivals are a great American pastime. The large festivals often focus on one type of food, or a specific theme like oysters or food and wine. Food festivals also allow visitors to get a real sense of the culinary scene in various parts of the country by trying dishes from renowned chefs or local icons, often for a set price at entry."

So, what is Wisconsin's best food festival?

Taste of Madison in Madison.

Here is what the report has to say about the Taste of Madison:

"Every Labor Day weekend the Taste of Madison festival takes place in Wisconsin. The festival has 40 food and drink vendors making everything from gyros to fried cheese curds. Each year the festival raises money to give back to the community. It has raised more than $1 million since the start of the festival."

Click here to see the best food festivals in each state.

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