Madison in the Morning

Madison in the Morning

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Police: Lovers’ triangle leads to Janesville homicide, suicide

JANESVILLE (WKOW) -- Authorities in Janesville confirmed in a Friday press conference that a Thursday night shooting was a homicide and suicide.

Check out more of our crime coveragehere.

A 43-year-old Madison man shot and killed a 27-year-old Janesville man before turning the gun on himself, police said.

The Madison man went to work at B&G Foods in Stoughton for his second-shift job, expecting to see the Janesville man. When he didn't, he suspected that the younger man might be with a 28-year-old Madison woman.

The trio all worked together and the two Madison residents lived together and had a child. The woman previously had dated the Janesville man, but that relationship had apparently rekindled.

Police say the Madison man drove to Janesville to confront the couple.

Outside a trailer in the city of Janesville, the Madison man fired 9 or 10 shots, multiple striking and killing the Janesville man before turning the gun on himself.

Police said that they had not had previous contacts with the people involved for domestic disturbances.

An autopsy on the two men will happen over the weekend, authorities said.

The names of the woman and Janesville man will not be released because Wisconsin recently enacted "Marcy's Law" a series of measures intended to protect crime victims.

More at WKOW 27 News

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