Vicki McKenna

Vicki McKenna

Listen to Vicki McKenna statewide, including Milwaukee and Madison, every weekday in Wisconsin!Full Bio

Vicki McKenna Show: Dems Want To Remove Two GOP Representative Seats

Vicki McKenna Show- Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Gone National

Judge Brad Schimel, Attorney and Lawfare Victim Jim Troupis, State Representative Barb Dittrich, Freedom project's Duke Pesta, Carisma Customs' Chad Rahn, Author Kent Heckenlively

The Vicki McKenna Show- Westosha Exposure

Sick and disturbing details reveled following a Title IX lawsuit. It shouldn't stop there. John Zmirak, Lane Ruhland, Lauren Greuel, Braedon Sorbo, David Clarke, Scarlett Johnson

The Vicki McKenna Show- Outside the Box

JFK files released, Henry Repeating Arms and Congressman Glenn Grothman in studio. Mitch Henck, Nick Pope Daily Caller, Glenn Grothman, Jeff Weigand, Jim Troupis, Antony Imperato

The Vicki McKenna Show- You Didn't Build That 2.0

"And you know what their attitude is? I made my money all by myself. How dare your government take my money from me? I don't want to pay taxes." -Chucky on "greedy" Americans who want to keep their own money. Jay Pullman, Bill Osmulski, Jake Curtis, Mike MOrris, T. Wall, Jim Pfaff

The Vicki McKenna Show- Is RoFR Even Legal?

Lawless judges, RoFR and more. Mike Pugliese, Gregory Wrightstone, Joey Chester, John Davidson, Skylar Croy, Michael O'Neill

The Vicki McKenna Show- Eric Hovde Joins the Show

An important election is only a couple of weks away. Mary Felzkowski, Eric Ruark, Keith Mark, Brittnay Kinser, Eric Hovde and Chris Kapenga

The Vicki McKenna Show- Lawfare Explained with Judge Troupis

Lawfare Explained with Judge Troupis Jim Troupis, Olivia Krolczyk, Brandon Maly, Robert Bryce, Scott Manley and Bill Osmulski

The Vicki McKenna Show- Mike Vallante Joins Vicki

Mike Vallante Joins Vicki McKenna on 1310 WIBA

The Vicki McKenna Show- Scott Presler Joins Vicki

Scott Presler Joins Vicki McKenna on 1310 WIBA